Every cloud has a silver lining

With the firm belief that every cloud has a silver lining we asked our team to tell us about their positive lockdown experiences.


Spending more time with our nearest and dearest, enjoying nature and the outdoors as well as appreciating the smaller things in life seem to be among the common themes.


As plans to start easing lockdown begin to take shape, here’s what some of us had to say…


Amy, Senior Account Manager
Getting out and exploring nature on our doorstep. We’ve had many walks along the canal searching for ducklings and visited Bluebell Woods in Blackburn, which is simply magical at this time of the year!


Stephen, Senior Designer
I’m baking and cooking a lot more! I’ve made bread, sausage rolls, banana bread, Thai curry, scotch pancakes, cinnamon pastries, chocolate brownies, oven fried chicken and chapatis!


Doug, Senior Developer
Getting to know my local area better. Exploring and finding streets I didn’t know existed and walking to the beach every evening. Also, trying out new cocktails, ‘Quarantini anyone?’


Tony, Senior Developer
With more time to exercise instead of the daily commute, I’ve lost weight and I am much fitter than before lockdown.


Every cloud has a silver lining


Paula, Senior Account Manager
Seeing all the beautiful ways people have been paying tribute to the wonderful NHS. My closest friend and sister-in-law are working with patients affected by this awful virus every day and deserve every bit of credit. The golf course behind my house has paid tribute to the work of those on the frontline.


Dave, Head of Digital
Learned the order of the planets in our solar system as well as many, many dinosaur names and facts. I have discovered that my wife is really good at cutting hair and I’m pretty good at Zoom quizzes.


Nicola, Senior Designer
The local wildlife is loving the peace and quiet. I’ve got baby rabbits playing in the front garden and ducks having an afternoon snooze in the back. One cheeky lady has even started flying up onto the wall and looking through the window to see if I’m around with food!


Jenny, Senior Account Manager
The pace of life is slower and I’ve really started to appreciate the people in my life – spending time with my youngest before she goes to school in September and watching my girls play together and reaching milestones.


Simon, Creative Director
I’ve been spending quality time with my daughter – helped with the ‘fun stuff’ of home schooling.


Sarah, Senior Designer
During working hours you can have your own music on, sing as loud as you like and get up for a dance if the mood takes! 😄


Julie, Senior Account Manager
Discovered the joys of having a giant paddling pool in the back garden – fun times going for a dip, getting the new BBQ going and growing lots of plants in my greenhouse.


Every cloud has a silver lining